What is LVK?
Olemme Aalto-yliopiston energiatekniikan opiskelijoiden ammattiainekerho.
Interested in becoming an energy leader in the future? Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Finland members organize an event together with Lämpövoimakerho and LUT University’s energy technology guild Armatuuri on 6.10. The purpose of the event is to introduce World Energy Council Finland and their FEL program to the attending students.
What is green hydrogen? How is it produced and what’s the status of the technology in Finland? These and many other questions will be answered during the excursion to P2X Solutions in December!Lämpövoimakerho or “Energy Engineering Club” will organize an excursion to P2X Solutions Lauttasaari office where we will hear about the company and the
Apply for LVK International Representative! Join us to make LVK more international and gain some new acquaintances! Last year LVK joined YES-Europe as an organizational partner. YES-Europe is short for Young Leaders for Energy and Sustainability and they connect over 10 000 European students and young professionals. Now it is time to take the next
Päiväys ja aika 27/03/2019 15:45 – 18:00 Tapahtumapaikka UPM Headquarters LVK arranges an excursion to the main office of UPM, one of the leading companies in forestry, biofuels, and energy production. The visit is full of interesting information about biofuels production and energy related topics. The whole excursion is in English. The presentations of